THE RAP SHEET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The week in eligibility-crippling issues - legal, academic, institutional and otherwise...
Quickly, quickly today...
The rilly big news of the week, obviously, was the super-fishy dealings of the Bush the other Bush family.
Most recently, redudantly-named landlord Michael Michaels (seriously) accused the Bushes of being deadbeats:
This has major potential ramifications for USC (and, if not handled with some severity, for college football as a whole, but what most concerns SMQ about Reggie Bush is which number he'll wear when he suits up for SMQ's New Orleans Saints next fall. Reg-gie! Reg-gie!...
PILING ON, to USC's worries, former top recruit and backup quarterback Mark Sanchez, accused of sexual assault by a female student on Wednesday. USC's officer of students affairs (shaddup!) says "the appropriate action" will be determined.
DISCIPLINED, by Coach Steve Roberts, two Arkansas State players charged with disorderly conduct at a skating rink last weekend. College football players hanging out at a skating rink, then getting involved in some unspecified "altercation"? Nineteen-year-old wideout Kevin Jones was also tasered. Not cool, dude.
"EXTREMELY PLEASED," the lawyer of six Mississippi State players who pled to lesser charges in an alleged assault on a police officer at a local club earlier this month. The players were fined $500 and handed suspended sentences (that means they don't actually hafta go to jail), but remain suspended "indefinitely,", which probably means until Sylvester Croom despairs over his other options when practice starts in August.
RELEASED, center Chad Roark, who had been on Oklahoma's campus roughly three weeks during Spring practice following his high school graduation in December before he decided he'd rather join big bro Craig at Nebraska - after he sits out a year of course. He apparently practiced some with the first team, so why leave so soon? Good thing he realized it so soon...
COURT-MARTIALED, ex-Navy quarterback Lamar Owens, accused of raping Colorado State's defense a female midshipmanwomen, er, womyn? A second, unnamed Midshipman will also be called in the special court martial, which is reportedly "less serious" than a general court martial, and dishes out "forfeiture, fines, restrictions or reprimands," and not jail time or, apparently, discharges.
BUSTED, for horrible, intolerable possession of demon weed, Marshall defensive lineman Adrian Davis. In his defense, Davis is from Quebec, where they aren't so uptight about such things.
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And don't let the name fool ya - second guessing the phenomenal athletic feats and split-second decisions of college kids under extreme physical duress is for every day of the week.
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- Burnt Orange Nation
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